- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutions in West Tripura District of Tripura
- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutions in West Tripura District of Tripura
- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutions by Sex in West Tripura District of Tripura
- Number of Teacher Classified by Institutions in West Tripura District of Tripura (2013-2014)
- Stage-wise Average Number of Students Per Teacher in of Tripura (2013-2014)
- Stage-wise Number of Teachers in West Tripura District of Tripura (2013-2014)
- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutions by Sex in West Tripura District of Tripura (2010-2011)
- Stage-wise Average Number of Students Per Teacher in West Tripura District of Tripura (2009-2010)
- Stage-wise Number of Teachers in West Tripura District of Tripura (2008-2009)
- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutes in West Tripura District of Tripura (2008-2009)
- Number of Institute, Enrolment and Teachers of Balwadi Centres and Social Education Adult Centres in West Tripura District of Tripura (2006-2007)
- Number of Teachers at Higher Educational Institutes in West Tripura District of Tripura (2006-2007)