- Number of All Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Type of Establishments (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultrual and Non-Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Non-Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Number of Establishments by Type of Establishments (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Number of Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Major Activity Groups in Urban Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Major Activity Groups in Rural Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Enterprises by Major Activity Groups in Rural Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Enterprises by Major Activity Groups in Urban Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Type of Establishments (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Establishments by Type of Establishments (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Number of Non-Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Number of Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Number of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Number of Persons at Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of All Agricultural Enterprises (Own Account Enterprises+Establishments) by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultrual and Non-Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Establishments by Type of Establishments (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Type of Establishments (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments by Employment Size (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Agricultrual and Non-Agricultrual Establishments by Employment Size (Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part I
- Principal Characteristics of Agricultural Establishments with At Least One Hired Worker (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005) - Part II
- Principal Characteristics of Non-Agricultural Own Account Establishments (Rural) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Enterprises by Major Activity Groups in Rural+Urban Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons Usually Working by Major Activity Groups in Rural+Urban Areas in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)
- Number of Persons at Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Own Account Enterprises by Employment Size (Rural+Urban) in South Tripura District of Tripura (2005)